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Gardening Through The Seasons: A Guide for Busy Homeschool Parents

Gardening with kids is a truly special experience, and it's incredible how much you can grow throughout all four seasons, even with a busy schedule. If you're a homeschool parent looking to embark on a gardening adventure with your children, here are some tips to keep it simple and enjoyable.

Annual vs. Perennial Plants: Where to Begin

Gardening lingo can be overwhelming, but fear not! Before you head to the garden center, let's start with the basics. There are two types of plants: annuals and perennials. Annuals are plants that grow for one or two seasons, while perennials continue to grow all year, often for multiple years.

Annual plants, such as pumpkins, squash, and lettuces, provide an abundance of fruits or veggies but have a limited lifespan. It's important to note their preferred season for planting and harvesting. Check the tags on the plants at the garden center to ensure you're buying them at the right time.

Perennial plants, like strawberries and pepper plants, live for 2-4 years, offering a longer-term gardening experience. However, they may eventually stop producing quality produce. Generally, perennials have a longer lifespan.

From Seed to Harvest: Timing is Everything

Patience is key when it comes to gardening. Plants take time to grow from seedlings to producing fruits and vegetables. Avoid planting seedlings during their peak harvest time. Keep in mind that unusual weather patterns and temperatures can affect traditional planting schedules. Don't be afraid to experiment and adapt!

Consider starting seedlings indoors to control the elements and provide them with a longer growing period before transitioning them outdoors. If you're purchasing pre-started plants, calculate how many weeks they need to become strong enough to bloom and bear produce. Plant them ahead of their peak harvest season.

Plant Wellness: Meeting Plant Needs

Plants can become stressed or even fall ill when grown in unsuitable seasons. Ensure your plants thrive by providing the right conditions for them. For example, if you want to continue growing lettuces through early summertime, create a cooler spot with shade for them. Greenhouses are excellent for plants that prefer warmer temperatures during late fall or winter.

Choosing the Right Plants for You

When selecting what to grow, prioritize what you and your family enjoy eating. Then, consider what is easiest to grow in your space and climate for each season. If cilantro proves challenging but rosemary thrives, focus on growing rosemary instead. Enjoying the process and achieving success is what matters most. If something seems too difficult, don't hesitate to switch gears.

Adapt your gardening space to cater to what grows well during each season. Remember, it's not necessary to maintain a year-round garden for every plant. Embrace the learning process and make choices that suit your lifestyle. Gardening should be fun and fulfilling!

Share Your Gardening Journey

Lastly, don't forget to share your gardening adventures with your kids. Keep in touch with fellow gardening enthusiasts and share what you're growing. By joining communities like iGro Kids' Earth Club, you can connect with like-minded parents and exchange valuable tips and experiences.

Enjoy the journey of gardening with your children and cherish the memories you create together!

iGro Kids’ Earth Club