How Homeschooling Transformed Me - A Message From The Founder

As I reflect on my life journey, I realize that the decision to homeschool my children has been a pivotal moment of personal transformation. Prior to this choice, my friends and colleagues would have likely described me as a confident and self-assured individual. After all, maintaining a consistent self-image only requires sustaining the same thought patterns, worries, and challenges day-to-day.

However, the leap into homeschooling upended this familiar sense of self. It was like being thrust into a wide open space, surrounded by trails leading in countless directions. In the beginning, navigating this new educational landscape was akin to exploring uncharted territory - it took significant time and effort to find our footing.

What I found interesting is that during this transitional period were the reactions from friends, strangers, and even family members who clearly doubted my choice. It was as if my choice to homeschool had transported them back to the earliest days of parenthood, when unsolicited advice and fear-based comments were constantly being "chirped" in my direction. This can be an immensely draining experience, as people demand that you project an unwavering confidence in your decision.

In hindsight, I recognize that this is often a waste of valuable energy. The truth is, major life changes require time and space for self-discovery. We shouldn't let the projected fears of others diminish our own self-assurance. It's important to remember that our loved ones from the past may not fully know the person we've become through this transformative journey.

And what a journey it has been! On the other side of this homeschooling transition, I feel more in tune with myself than ever before. I've gained a deeper understanding of my strengths and weaknesses, and I no longer feel the need to constantly prove myself. Instead, I'm focused on nurturing my love of learning and seeking out enriching conversations and experiences.

If you're considering the homeschooling path, brace yourself - it may very well lead to a life-altering transformation. But take heart, for on the other side of this challenge lies the potential for immense personal growth and a renewed zest for living. Embrace the uncertainty, trust the process, and don't be discouraged by those who cannot yet see the person you are becoming.

I truly hope you find the path you’re meant to take and my community is hear for you should you thoroughly digest yourself into the life of homeschooling. Please join so we can keep in contact and grow together!

Katie Haythorn
Founder, Modern Parents Society